Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dropping the balls

The work/life/fun balance has been all out of whack recently, and time playing with bikes in the shed has been the last thing on my to-do list. It's been months since I last posted a blog entry and in that time we've gone from having had to evacuate 3 times in the face of fire threats to now, where the temperature is regularly in the minuses.

Perhaps not surprisingly, my priorities have turned to trying to heat the shed. It's bitterly cold out there, particularly as the only time I get to myself is after about 7pm at night when the boy is asleep. I'm mostly finished building a very funky wood stove, fashioned from an old water tank. Most of the grubby work is done, with the very real possibility of firing it up this weekend. I'll post again in the next few days with some more pictures and an update as to where I'm at with my new road frame.


Mick Peel said...

Hi Tim,

wondering where Loki has been, good to see you're back and survived the fires. Read the article in Artichoke magazine. It made it BSNYC yesterday and the readers have some lovely stuff to say about my work.


loki cycles said...

Hey Mick. I saw the article yesterday and was delighted. I had a very long chat with Melanie and I was unsure of what would make it into the profile and what wouldn't. Your work looks sensational.

Unknown said...

Glad to see that you are ok with things and look forward to seeing where you left off. I want to see more about the bike with the wishbone rear. I understand your ordeal with the cold. Living in Vermont, USA we have to try and stay warm eight months out of the year. Keep us posted, Wil