Monday, October 15, 2012

Minor work

Busy time at the moment. Spring has sprung, which means crazy weather, heaps of things to do in the garden and loads of chainsawing of next year's firewood. Oh, and work is bonkers. But I managed to steal some time on this warm evening, and did some minor work on B's bike. Starting with the fork.

First, I raked the fork blades in my ghetto engineered Bend-o-Matic fork blade bender. Made from a solid lump of redgum fencepost and whatever scrap I had lying in the crap bin it does a fantastic job. Effortless, accurate and repeatable bends. And all for about $10.

Next, I brazed on the socket style dropouts. Shown here after clean-up.

These little guys are water bottle bosses combined with an ornate diamond reinforcement with a fancy fleur-de-lys tip. I love everything about them except the fleur-de-lys, which is way to fussy for my liking.

So off for a bit of surgery to create a much simpler arrowhead design.

Finally, some minor work on the head lugs. I've mounted them on a short section of head tube, and the job is to file off the casting marks and manufacturer's hallmarks. I forgot to take an 'after' shot, but you get the idea.

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